High Quality Images for Artists, Royalty Free
3 stunning photos of forests as high-resolution images. These images can be printed out in any size to 8×10 inches or even larger.
Do you need good reference photos to paint from? Can’t find ones that are suitable for artists?
A good photo reference is the starting point for a successful painting.
These images are photographed, selected and edited by Marianne. They are taken by an experienced artist/photographer who understands the specific needs of artists. The photographs are high resolution, detailed images and are suitable for any medium. You can use them as they are, or crop and edit them to suit your preferred composition.
See my eBook Using Reference Photos for Landscape Painting
More bundles of images are on the way. They will be grouped by subject matter, such as Fields and Meadows, Lakes, Forests, Barns, Horses and Cows, Fall Foliage, Poppies, Sunflowers, Orchids, Images for Abstracts, and many more topics.
The images are ROYALTY FREE for your use only. This means that Marianne is granting you permission to use the photographs to create as many paintings, drawings or other artworks as you wish. You may print out or enlarge the image for the purpose of creating original artwork, without paying any royalty fees.
However, you may not share, reproduce or distribute the original photographs. Marianne Broome retains the title to the original photographs.
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